There are many ancient mentions of so-called alchemical gold, a substance that gave eternal life, and was often referred to as the "Elixir of the Gods." Today it is believed that this compound is monoatomic gold, i.e. Ormus.
Monoatomic gold, also called "white gold powder", has proven to be an essential element to support mood, mental concentration and overall well-being. Known for its natural healing abilities on a physical level (from relieving rheumatoid arthritis to improving blood circulation), monoatomic gold also has tremendous benefits mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Ormus is a type of intelligent liquid containing, depending on the type, specially composed minerals and m-matter - split precious metals (such as gold or silver) in an unusual state of matter described as a pure building block of the universe.
What exactly is Ormus?
It is made of gold and other bioavailable metals that have undergone a specific alchemical process to extract minerals from various probable types of salt. Mono-material minerals have electrons that are in a high spin state. This spin, or twist, is related to the properties of the energetic forces which are believed to coexist with the forces of electromagnetism and gravity. High-spin minerals are referred to by science as m-matter.
Monatomic gold is simply gold atoms that are separated from each other and are no longer bound into large aggregates, unlike the metallic form of gold that most people know. The normal metallic form of gold consists of large clusters of gold atoms linked in a lattice, but when these atoms are broken down by a series of chemical processes, gold transforms into a monoatomic state. This process essentially dissolves these clusters so that almost, if not exactly, one atom per molecule remains. The resulting material is stable, heat resistant and chemically inert. As a result, it can be used for health purposes.
The benefits of monatomic gold
Minerals and trace elements play an important role in the proper functioning of our body. Among other things, they help in the transmission of nerve impulses, balance a number of different processes to maintain the proper functioning of the immune system, and help in biological processes through energy exchange.
An excellent way to describe a mineral deficiency in the body is when a newly formed cell in the human body has not been programmed correctly due to a lack of essential nutrients. This cell will simply exist, but without fulfilling its proper role. Multiple damaged cells concentrated in one area have disastrous results. This can lead to tumors and neoplasms. Furthermore, when our bodies cannot produce new cells (due to mineral deficiencies), we age prematurely or develop other diseases.
Monatomic gold is an excellent conductor, so when it is ingested into the body, it can influence the cell structure to acquire these characteristics as well. This increases the flow of biophotons, which strengthens the electromagnetic field of the human body. The increased energy felt when using monatomic elements such as monatomic gold is undeniable and proven.
The operation of Ormus is primarily pure energy and an injection of vitality for our body. Ormuses from the Shaman Forest are characterized by precisely selected compositions oriented in a given aspect through precise synergistic selection of many types of salt.
Some of the short-term and long-term benefits noted from consistent use of monatomic gold include:
- Increased concentration
- Better brain function
- Hemispheric balance
- Increased intelligence
- Better memory
- Greater emotional balance
- Higher Sense Activations: With consistent long-term use, in some people, monatomic minerals can activate dormant senses such as clairvoyance, clairvoyance, and telepathy.
- Catalyzing Spiritual Evolution: Monatomic gold allows subconsciously held beliefs and fears to surface and become understandable. It acts on the pituitary gland to induce an increase in hormone production and thus offers anti-aging support.