Rapé Kanaro
Rapé Kanaro
Intensity: Very Strong
Main properties: Clarity, purification, vision, internal insight, perspective
Tribe: Caboclo
Size: 3g, 6g, 18g(3x6g), 48g(8x6g), 50g
Kanaro is the Blue Macaw - a messenger from the astral planes of the Yawanawa.
These macaws work with their beautiful saité (storytelling songs) which they convey into telling unique stories.
Shaneihu, grandson of the legendary pajé Yawa and son of chief Bira, is the creator of this rapé. Before his grandfather's death, they were the last two people to perform the one-year Muka initiation diet. This is a serious diet that provides spiritual credibility to everyone who follows it. He is also a talented musician who recorded and produced the incredible CD Kanaro, which can be accessed on Spotify for anyone who want to listen to it.
The Caboclo people come from a mixed heritage of Indigenous Brazilians and Europeans. They are scattered all over the Amazon jungle. Even nowadays, they represent the very roots of their mixed culture. The Caboclo way of living is rooted deeply in understanding the way nature works and how it changes in the yearly cycle.
Rapé Kanaro is a very clear product which affects the clarity of one's mind. Thanks to that, it becomes seamless to clear the thoughts and see things in a whole new perspective.
This natural product is offered for its historical and ethnographic value and is delivered without any expressed or supposed usefulness closer to a particular endeavor. It's just a crude botanical specimen or a scientific sample. The information provided is intended only for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should not be interpreted as a guideline for the intended purpose. The use and purpose of our product is in the judgment, credibility and risk of the buyer.