Rapé Nukini Lorim
Rapé Nukini Lorim
Intensity: Strong
Main properties: Spiritual cleansing, purification
Size: 3g, 6g, 18g(3x6g), 48g(8x6g), 50g
We provide the freshest incense straight from the rainforest
Rapé Nukini Lorim is a wonderful blend of natural ingredients including ashes and sacred herbs of the Amazon. Its makers focus on the most refreshing and reliable compounds to create this wonderful mix. Thanks to the carefully handpicked and combined elements, the whole composition has an intense and beautiful aroma.
What is this fragrant blend made of? As the base of this beautiful Rapé Nukini Lorim we can find such classic compounds, like the Sabia and the Tsunu ashes. These ingredients are commonly used to create the earthy aroma of many Rapés in South America. They are accompanied by a wonderful herb known under the names of Lourim or Lourinho. It has a minty refreshing scent that lifts the mind. Lorurim is used for herbal baths and spiritual cleansing.
Rapé Nukini Lorim can become your next favorite blend because of its amazing aroma and the way it can elevate the mind. This amazing mixture is believed to have wonderful cleansing properties, which purify the spirit of its users. Hence, this blend can be used to aim at grounding and refreshing the aura.
Nukini tribe
The Nukini tribe lives in Acre, Brazil and belongs to the Pano language family. The Nukini tribe currently has about 750 members. Members suffered enormous suffering in the latex industry district, and then many tribe members were enslaved or massacred. A large part of their culture, including their language, was successively lost or dispersed, and almost the entire ethnic group disappeared. However, Nukini managed to survive by mixing with other ethnic groups and tribes. They have rebuilt a strong socio-economic structure that enables them to get in close contact with the nature that surrounds and feeds them.
In addition, unlike many traditional Amazonian tribes, Nukini value members of other tribes for their ethnobotoanic knowledge and allow them to collect and mix plants for Rapé production.