Rapé Kaxinawa Uxi

Rapé Kaxinawa Uxi
Main Properties: Gentleness, Healing, Analgesic, Digestive Improvement
Tribe: Kaxinawa
Size: 3g, 6g, 18g(3x6g), 48g(8x6g), 50g
Unique nose-friendly blend with healing properties.
We provide the freshest incense straight from the rainforest.
The Rapé is a unique blend crafted by the tribe through the fermentation of mapacho, resulting in an exceptionally distinctive composition.
It incorporates the ashes of Uxi Amarelo, a native tree to South America renowned for its medicinal properties.
Uxi Amarelo, scientifically known as Endopleura uchi, belongs to the willow family (Salicaceae).
Primarily found in the Amazon regions, particularly in Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru, Uxi Amarelo thrives with its remarkable yellow or orange flowers that bloom briefly each year.
Reaching heights of up to 30 meters, it holds a significant presence in traditional Kaxinawa medicine due to its manifold medicinal attributes.
Various forms of Uxi Amarelo extracts and preparations are employed to alleviate a wide range of health conditions.
The key applications of Uxi Amarelo in traditional medicine encompass:
- Support for the reproductive system: Uxi Amarelo is commonly employed as a natural aid for the female reproductive system, addressing conditions such as fibroids, hormonal imbalances, infections, and menstrual discomfort.
- Anti-inflammatory properties: This plant exhibits anti-inflammatory characteristics, making it valuable in mitigating both internal and external inflammations.
- Immune system enhancement: Uxi Amarelo is occasionally utilized as a natural immune-boosting agent to assist in combating infections.
- Digestive system support: Some sources suggest that Uxi Amarelo may have a favorable impact on the digestive system, aiding in digestion and reducing stomach ailments.